Now I’m no Camille Paglia, but in what America are stick-on fingernails an educational toy? For girls? Wouldn’t they inherently be more educational for boys? Is the America where nail stickers are an educational toy for girls the same America where a 12 year old boy is murdered for pointing a toy gun is not considered a crime? Am I stretching this analogy too far?…
While driving in the car– after being called ‘son’ or ‘little mister’ during four different retail excursions in one hour– and genuinely baffled, Grace asked me- GRACE: Am I a girl or am I a boy? I wonder if most of us who get this question nowadays silently thank or curse Caitlyn Jenner. While I’m all for people being who they are, I don’t care…
In my ever-crunchy attempt to create a present and aware child who lives in the moment as opposed to say, a tiny, tireless consumer constantly clamoring for my phone to endlessly loop the Chipmunks cover of ‘What Does The Fox Say?’ on Youtube- let’s just say I’ve made a few tactical errors. I thought I was smart ( and knew I was being lazy) by…