This Old Mom - Eff Gender Neutrality

Eff Gender Neutrality

Posted: January 7, 2016

Now I’m no Camille Paglia, but in what America are stick-on fingernails an educational toy? For girls? Wouldn’t they inherently be more educational for boys? Is the America where nail stickers are an educational toy for girls the same America where a 12 year old boy is murdered for pointing a toy gun is not considered a crime? Am I stretching this analogy too far?…

This Old Mom - Hate the Princess Phase? Try the Penis Phase

Hate the Princess Phase? Try the Penis Phase.

Posted: December 22, 2015

While driving in the car– after being called ‘son’ or ‘little mister’ during four different retail excursions in one hour– and genuinely baffled, Grace asked me- GRACE: Am I a girl or am I a boy? I wonder if most of us who get this question nowadays silently thank or curse Caitlyn Jenner. While I’m all for people being who they are, I don’t care…

This Old Mom - Is Joy a Boy?

Is Joy a Boy?

Posted: June 26, 2015

In my ever-crunchy attempt to create a present and aware child who lives in the moment as opposed to say, a tiny, tireless consumer constantly clamoring for my phone to endlessly loop the Chipmunks cover of ‘What Does The Fox Say?’ on Youtube- let’s just say I’ve made a few tactical errors. I thought I was smart ( and knew I was being lazy) by…